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Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstract Highlights

  • Submission deadline extended: September 27, 2022.
  • Notification of acceptance: November 14, 2022.
  • Registration: presenters must be registered and paid by December 12, 2022; otherwise the abstract will be removed from the program.
  • Rule of two: one presenter can only present two abstracts (1 oral + 1 poster or 2 orals or 2 posters) during the Congress. Co-authors must be assigned as presenter if more than two abstracts were accepted (details below).
  • Resubmission policy: abstracts that have been presented at other congresses in the past  year (since IPTA 2021) can be resubmitted unless a manuscript has been published in a scientific journal – specification below.

Abstract submission is closed

All abstract authors are asked to choose a scientific topic during the submission process (list available below).

Abstract Submission Process

User Profile
  • Before submitting an abstract, the submitter must create a User Profile.
  • After an abstract has been created, modifications can be made until the submission deadline.
  • There is no limit on the number of abstract submissions from any one individual. However, we will apply a rule of two for abstract presenter (see details below).
Choosing a Topic

During the submission process, you will be asked to select the topic for your abstract. The topic is the general heading under which the abstract will be reviewed and later published in the congress materials, if accepted. The topic which best describes the subject of the abstract should be chosen. IPTA reserves the right to reassign the topic for the abstract for the purposes of programming. Click on the link to review the topics.

Abstract Structure

All abstracts should be formatted into the following four sections:

  • Introduction: clarifies the motivation for the research presented.
  • Methods: provides sufficient detail for others to reproduce what is studied in the research project.
  • Results: presents and discusses the results.
  • Conclusion: presents the outcome of the work by interpreting the findings and by relating these findings to the motivation stated in the Introduction. Explain the significance of your findings / outcomes and future implications of the results.
Abstract Guidelines

All abstracts must be submitted electronically through the Congress abstract submission website.

  • Abstracts will be accepted in English only.
  • There is no fee for submitting an abstract.
  • There are no limitations on the number of abstracts that an individual can submit. However, one individual can only present two abstracts (oral, mini-oral or poster) presentations during the entire Congress. If you have more than 2 abstracts accepted, you will be obliged to identify alternate co-author for any abstract above the first two.
  • The abstract text body is limited to 3,000 characters (Approx. 400 words) including spaces. A maximum of two figures/images (in JPG, GIF, or PNG with ideally 600 dpi) can be included. These will not count toward the word limit, nor will the information about authors, institutions and study groups. File size of 2 MB maximum for each figure.
  • Tables: do not insert tables into the body of the abstracts, the system will not recognize the format of the table. Tables will need to be uploaded as image files into the body of the abstract.
  • Abstracts accepted for oral, mini-oral or poster presentation will be published electronically in Pediatric Transplantation, the official journal of the International Pediatric Transplant Association. Abstracts not accepted for presentation will not be published. Abstracts will also be posted prior to the meeting in the detailed program section of the Congress website.
  • Employees of Commercial Interests: IPTA recognizes that employees/spouses of commercial interests are often involved in research and discovery and encourages these employees to submit abstracts to facilitate the flow of new information. Employees of commercial interests should submit abstracts when the content is limited to basic science research (e.g., pre-clinical research, drug discovery) or the processes/methodologies of research, themselves unrelated to a specific disease or compound/drug, and the abstract is not related to clinical applications of the research/discovery or clinical recommendations concerning the business lines or products of their employer.
  • Ensure that all co-authors approve of the abstract submission, publication, and potential presentation. Abstracts cannot be changed or withdrawn after December 16, 2022. Once an abstract has been scored by reviewers, no change in the body of the abstract will be accepted.
  • Presenters of successful abstracts must confirm their acceptance, register and pay for the Congress by December 12, 2022 (presenter deadline), otherwise the abstract will not be published.

Policies for abstract submission

Copyright Policy

Abstracts should not include libelous or defamatory content. Material presented in abstracts should not violate any copyright laws. If figures/graphics/images have been taken from sources not copyrighted by the author, it is the author’s sole responsibility to secure the rights from the copyright holder in writing to reproduce those figures/graphics/images for both worldwide print and web publication. All reproduction costs charged by the copyright holder must be borne by the author.

Resubmission Policy

IPTA welcomes the submission of abstracts that have been presented previously at regional, national, or international meetings in the year since the last IPTA Congress (2021) given the highly specialized nature of pediatric solid organ transplantation and related themes. However, if a manuscript of the abstract has been published at the time of submission, the paper will not be permitted.


IPTA regards plagiarism as serious professional misconduct. All abstracts are screened for plagiarism and when identified, the abstract and any other abstracts submitted by the same author are rejected. In addition, the submitting author’s profile and scholarship application, in the case one has been submitted, will also be cancelled.

Ethics Compliance

To be eligible to submit an abstract, you must disclose that the authors/ scientists have not violated any aspect of The Transplantation Society Ethics statements and that this research conforms with the ethical statements noted. Scientific studies and clinical activities should be performed in keeping with the ethical principles delineated in the following policy documents:

Abstract review and selection process

Abstract Review
  • All submitted abstracts will go through a blinded peer-review process carried out by an international review committee.
  • Abstracts which do not meet the focus of the topic category as requested by the authors will be reassigned to another category.
  • Scores assigned by all reviewers are averaged. The cut-off average score for acceptance is based on available oral and poster presentations. Rejections are further evaluated by the scientific program committee.
Notification of Acceptance or Rejection to Corresponding Author
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting (corresponding) author by November 14, 2022. Please note that only the corresponding author will receive the communication concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing all co-authors of the status of the abstract. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive instructions for the presentation of their abstract.
Rule of Two
  • Each presenting author may present a maximum of two abstracts during the entire Congress (oral, mini-orals or posters). The number of submissions is however not limited. Should an author have more than two abstracts accepted for presentation, a co-author must be named as presenter for one or more abstracts.

Abstract Topics for IPTA 2023

  • Allied Health
  • Basic Science/Genomics
  • Bone Marrow/Stem Cell
  • Covid
  • Ethical/Psychosocial/Economical issues
  • Immunosuppression
  • Infectious Disease/PTLD and Malignancy
  • Kidney
  • Liver/Intestine
  • Multi-Organ Transplants
  • Organ Donation and Preservation
  • Patient Reported Outcomes
  • Quality Improvement
  • Surgery
  • Thoracic (Heart/Lung)
  • Tissue Typing/Immunology/Tolerance
  • Other